Euler’s Elements of Algebra is the most popular foundational algebraic work in history. For over three centuries, this classic has circulated in various languages and editions. This paper analyzes Euler’s writing background and issues related to the original version of the book, compares two French translations and their corresponding English translations, highlights the modifications and contributions of important translators, and corrects the mistake in literature attributing Horner’s translated English version to Shurtleff.
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[2] | Karp, A. and Schubring, G. (2014) Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education. Springer, London, 339, 379, 461-464. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-9155-2 |
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[5] | 裘光明, 主编. 数学辞海(第一卷) [M]. 太原: 山西教育出版社, 2002. |
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[7] | Euler, L. (1911) Vollst?ndige Anleitung zur Algebra. Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Berlin, Leipzig. |
[8] | Euler, L. (1840) Elements of Algebra. Fourth Edition, Longman, London. |
[9] | Euler, L. (1984) Elements of Algebra. Fifth Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-8511-0 |
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[11] | Euler, L. (1807) élémens d’algèbre. Courcier, Paris. |
[12] | Euler, L. (1824) Elements of Algebra. Longmans, London. |
[13] | Euler, L. (2015) Elements of Algebra. CreateSpace, Inc. & Kindle Direct Publishing, Washington. |