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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Perception of the Tourist Destination Image of Qiantong Ancient Town Based on Tourist Comment Analysis

DOI: 10.12677/ssem.2024.133043, PP. 338-348

Keywords: 旅游目的地,形象感知,古镇旅游,景区管理
Tourist Destination
, Image Perception, Ancient Town Tourism, Scenic Area Management

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With the continuous advancement of technology, the ways in which the image of tourist destinations is shaped and disseminated have undergone significant changes. Utilizing online platforms, tourist destinations can precisely target potential visitors to convey their unique cultural and charming appeals. This study adopts grounded theory to conduct a three-level coding analysis of comment text data, explores the image of Qiantong Ancient Town from the three perspectives of cognitive image, affective image, and overall image, and gets the image of tourist destinations of Qiantong Ancient Town based on tourists’ comment. The findings reveal areas where the tourism development of Qiantong Ancient Town is lacking. Based on these shortcomings, recommendations are proposed to optimize the perception of Qiantong Ancient Town’s tourist image.


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