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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Broad Hormonal Responses Induced by Aluminum in Roots of Dwarf Transgenics of Solanum lycopersicum L. cv “Micro-Tom”

DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2024.155025, PP. 349-358

Keywords: Gene Reporter, Metal, Plant Hormones, Root Staining

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The spatial pattern distribution of plant hormones in response to aluminum (Al) toxicity in roots remains to be shown. This study was performed to assess the root hormonal accumulation and gene expression in response to Al toxicity in five transgenic miniature dwarf tomatoes cv. Micro-Tom (MT). MT and MT transgenics to acid indole acetic, cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid and ethylene were cultivated in nutrient solutions containing different Al concentrations. Root growth elongation was measured and cellular damage was visualized by staining Evans’s blue. The GUS reporter gene staining technique was used to visualize hormonal changes in MT apex root tissues. Data indicated that the MT is sensitive to Al that induced significant growth inhibition and cellular damage. Al concentration of 27 μM was significantly toxic, inducing root apex darkening and inhibition of root development. The qualitative evaluation of GUS reporter gene expression showed intense crosstalk among all hormones studied, underscoring the complexity of signaling induced by Al in apex roots. Results point out to a major understanding of the hormonal signaling in response to Al toxicity, which may induce a change of root growth and architecture with growth inhibition and cell constraints modulated by all different hormones evaluated.


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