Objective:Describe the epidemiological and paraclinical aspects of HP infection in hepatitis B virus carriers. PopulationandMethod:This was a descriptive cross-sectional study running from January 1 to August 30, 2019, a period of 8 months. It took place in the Hospital Centers of the two major cities of Congo (Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire). The target population of our study consists of patients carrying HBV under antiviral treatment or not. Patients aged at least 18 years and consenting with a biological and morphological assessment were included. We did not include in our study patients taking or having taken antibiotics and/or PPIs less than 4 weeks ago. We excluded all patients who did not deposit fresh stools and those in whom stool extraction could not be done manually. The variables studied covered sociodemographic, clinical and paraclinical aspects. Data entry was done using Excel 8.0 software. Statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS 20.0 software. Results:During our study, we included 169 patients. The frequency of HPAG in the stools of HBV carriers in our study population was 63.9% (n = 109). Male patients represented 69% (n = 75) and female patients represented 31% (n = 34). The average age of the patients is 43.92 ± 13.51 years with extremes of 18 years and 80 years. Concerning profession, unemployed patients and those working in the private sector were the most represented in respectively 28.4% (n = 31) and 22.9% (n = 25) without statistical link. Households comprising between 4 - 10 people and the use of public latrines were the risk factors most represented in respectively 69% (n = 75) and 88% (n = 96) without statistical link. Clinically, hepatomegaly and signs of portal hypertension were most represented in 53% (n = 58) and 47% (n = 51). Biologically, HBV DNA was detectable in 60.5% of cases (n = 66).
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