This study aims to estimate the lifetime attributable cancer risk (LAR) for pediatric chest computed tomography (CT) examinations in five age groups using recently published age and region-specific conversion coefficients multiplying the widely available scanner registered dose length products (DLP) displayed on the CT console and hence calculating the Effective Dose (ED). The ED is then multiplied by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) published risk factor for LAR. The obtained LAR values are compared with the international literature. Factors that may affect the LAR value are reported and discussed. The study included one hundred twenty five chest CT examinations for both males and females aged from less than one year to fifteen years. The patients’ reported data are from one single medical institution and using two CT scanners from June 2022 to December 2023. The results of this study may serve as benchmark for institutional radiation dose reference levels and risk estimation.
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