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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




External Otitis: Epidemiological, Clinical, Etiological, and Therapeutic Aspects at the Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Department of Mamou Regional Hospital

DOI: 10.4236/ijohns.2024.133020, PP. 213-224

Keywords: External Otitis, ENT, Mamou Regional Hospital

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Introduction: External otitis (OE) is an acute or chronic inflammation or infection of the external ear resulting from an imbalance in the external auditory canal secondary to microtrauma, maceration, eczema, or a foreign body in the external auditory canal. Objective: To study cases of external otitis at the Mamou Regional Hospital. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective descriptive study conducted over a period of six (6) months from July 1st to December 31st, 2016. It included all patients admitted to the ENT department of the Mamou Regional Hospital. Results: During the study period, 712 patients were admitted to the department for various pathologies, of which 103 met our selection criteria, representing a frequency of 14.46%. The mean age of the patients was 33.74 years with a range of 1 to 90 years. Males predominated in the sample, accounting for 59.22%. The vast majority of patients resided in urban areas, constituting 61.17% of the sample. In our study, all patients consulted for otalgia (100%), and over half (53.39%) for hypoacusis. We formally identified rhinitis in 66.66% of cases, while diabetes was found in only 4 patients (11.11%). Otomycosis was the most commonly identified condition (53.39%), followed by furuncles (33.98%). Ear drops containing antibiotics were administered to all patients, although 66.60% received antibiotic therapy. Conclusion: External otitis is a relatively common condition, particularly among children and the elderly. Diagnosis can be made based on pain upon traction of the pinna and pressure on the tragus.


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[14]  Date /____/_____/2016
[16]  I. General Information
[17]  Age /_______/ Gender: Male /___/ Female /___/ Occupation: Worker /___/
[18]  Civil servant /___/ Housewife /___/ Self-employed /___/ Student /___/
[19]  Unemployed /___/ Origin: Urban /___/ Rural /___/
[20]  II. Symptomatology
[21]  Otalgy: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/ Fever /___/
[22]  Tinnitus: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[23]  Hypoacusis: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[24]  Otorrhea: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[25]  Otorrhagia: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[26]  Evolution /_____________/
[27]  III. ENT Clinical Examination (Otoscopic Examination)
[28]  Narrowing of the External Auditory Meatus: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[29]  Suppuration of the External Auditory Meatus: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[30]  Bleeding: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[31]  Presence of Foreign Body: Organic /___/ Inorganic /___/ Other types of foreign bodies /___/ Earwax plug: Right /___/ Left /___/ Bilateral /___/
[32]  IV. Associated ent pathologies
[33]  Tonsillitis /___/ Pharyngitis /___/ Sinusitis /___/ Rhinitis /___/
[34]  V. Other associated pathologies
[35]  Diabetes /___/ Hypertension /___/ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) /___/ Others /_________________________/
[36]  VI. Clinical forms
[37]  Diffuse External Otitis /____/ External Auditory Canal Furuncle /___/Otomycosis /___/
[38]  VII. Etiological
[39]  Use of cotton swab/___/ Scratching lesion/___/ Foreign body in the External Auditory MeatusHaut du formulaire /____/ Not specified /_____/Bas du formulaire
[40]  VIII. Medical treatment
[41]  Ear drops /___/ Analgesic /___/ Antibiotic /___/ Corticosteroid /___/
[42]  Antifungal /___/ Others treatment /___________________________/
[43]  IX. Evolution
[44]  Favorable: No sequelae /___/ With sequelae /___/
[45]  Unfavorable: Complication /___/ Death /___/


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