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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Multi-Channel Rotary Flow Tube with Concentrated Mass and Different Flow Directions

DOI: 10.12677/ijm.2024.132003, PP. 17-26

Keywords: 多通道输流管,Lagrange方程,临界失稳流速,稳定性,振动模态
Multi-Channel Flow Pipe
, Lagrange Equation, Critical Velocity of Instability, Stability, Mode of Vibration

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The working environment of turbine blades is extremely harsh, and multiple cooling channels need to be set up inside to cool them. Under the joint action of blade rotation and internal fluid, the system resonance will be triggered, so it is necessary to study the dynamic behavior of blade. This paper mainly studies the dynamic behavior of rotating blades under the action of internal fluids. The blade structure containing blade crown and serpentine cooling channels is simplified into a multi-channel rotating flow tube with concentrated mass at the end in different directions. Kinetic energy and potential energy generated by the displacement component under the action of axial stretching and bending deformation and the work generated by fluid action on the system under an open system are calculated. The Lagrange equation is substituted to obtain the kinetic equation of the system, and the equations are dimensionless, so that they have general laws. By solving the eigenvalues of the dynamic equations, the eigenfrequencies and damping frequencies of the system are calculated. The results show that the characteristic trajectory and vibration mode of the system are significantly affected by the flow velocity direction in the rotating flow tube, and the stability of the flow tube is significantly improved by the rotational speed and end mass.


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