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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spatial Heterogeneity Modeling Using Machine Learning Based on a Hybrid of Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

DOI: 10.4236/jdaip.2024.123018, PP. 319-347

Keywords: Spatial Heterogeneity, Spatial Data, Feature Selection, Standardization, Machine Learning Models, Hybrid Models

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Spatial heterogeneity refers to the variation or differences in characteristics or features across different locations or areas in space. Spatial data refers to information that explicitly or indirectly belongs to a particular geographic region or location, also known as geo-spatial data or geographic information. Focusing on spatial heterogeneity, we present a hybrid machine learning model combining two competitive algorithms: the Random Forest Regressor and CNN. The model is fine-tuned using cross validation for hyper-parameter adjustment and performance evaluation, ensuring robustness and generalization. Our approach integrates Global Moran’s I for examining global autocorrelation, and local Moran’s I for assessing local spatial autocorrelation in the residuals. To validate our approach, we implemented the hybrid model on a real-world dataset and compared its performance with that of the traditional machine learning models. Results indicate superior performance with an R-squared of 0.90, outperforming RF 0.84 and CNN 0.74. This study contributed to a detailed understanding of spatial variations in data considering the geographical information (Longitude & Latitude) present in the dataset. Our results, also assessed using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), indicated that the hybrid yielded lower errors, showing a deviation of 53.65% from the RF model and 63.24% from the CNN model. Additionally, the global Moran’s I index was observed to be 0.10. This study underscores that the hybrid was able to predict correctly the house prices both in clusters and in dispersed areas.


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