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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the New Development Model of China’s Sports Competition Performance Industry Empowered by Short Video Platforms: Taking TikTok’s Support for the “Street King Basketball” Tournament as an Example

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111848, PP. 1-14

Keywords: Sports Competition Performance Industry, Street King Basketball, Short Video

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With the development of the times, China’s sports competition performance industry has developed accordingly. Short video empowers the sports competition performance industry is an emerging development model. Internal mechanism: platform advantage to broaden the communication channels of the sports competition performance industry, platform advantage to broaden the communication channels of the sports competition performance industry, data empowerment to promote the optimization of the operation of the sports competition performance industry, live broadcast e-commerce, to broaden the monetization channels of the sports competition performance industry. Challenges: The platform has a low entry threshold, the quality of sports competition performance content is uneven, the selection of short video content is wide, and the continuous attention to small and medium-sized sports competition performances has become a problem, and it is difficult to monetize small and medium-sized sports competition performance projects. Path: Strengthen the platform’s sense of responsibility, strengthen the content review mechanism, pay attention to the development and construction of event IP, differentiate competition, explore diversified monetization models, strengthen cooperation with platforms, and formulate relevant protection and incentive policies by the government.


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