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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Oxygenated Diesel in DI Engines: A Critical Review

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2024.126002, PP. 16-49

Keywords: Diesel Engine, Alcohol Additives, N-Butanol, Combustion and Properties

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The transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources is a significant challenge of our time. In the fuel industry, oxygenated additives such as butanol are transforming conventional fuels into renewable biofuels. This technology has been utilized in reciprocating engines for decades. This paper reviews the viability of using an n-butanol blend as a short-term replacement for diesel by analyzing its physical and chemical properties, combustion, performance, and emission characteristics in compression ignition (CI) engines under various conditions, including variable load, speed, acceleration, and both stationary and transient cycles. N-Butanol exhibits higher viscosity, better lubricity, higher heating value, improved blend stability, enhanced cold-flow properties, and higher density. These factors influence spray formation, injection timing, atomization, and combustion characteristics. Its higher oxygen content improves the diffusion combustion stage and efficiency. Adding 5% and 10% n-butanol to diesel increases pressure and apparent heat release rate, slightly reduces temperature, and improves thermal efficiency, with mixed effects on CO and THC emissions and a notable decrease in particulate matter emissions. Fuel consumption increases, while the impact on NOx emissions varies. A 10% butanol blend is considered optimal for enhancing performance and reducing particulate emissions without significantly affecting NOx emissions. Blending up to 40% butanol with diesel does not require engine modifications or ECU recalibrations in engines calibrated for pure diesel. Due to its advantageous properties and performance, n-butanol is recommended as a superior alcohol-diesel blend than ethanol for short-term diesel replacement.


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