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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Impact of Climate Change and Governance on Migration in Africa

DOI: 10.4236/me.2024.156034, PP. 678-699

Keywords: Governance, Climate Change, Migration, Africa

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This paper examines the effect of climate and governance shocks on international migration in 45 African countries over the period 2000-2021. Because of missing data on governance variables, the study covers only 45 countries in Africa as a whole. We adopt a panel data approach using fixed-effect and random-effect models. The results show, on the one hand, that climate shocks have a positive impact on emigration and, on the other hand, that good governance through the quality of institutions has a negative effect on emigration. However, these results show that improving the quality of institutions alone is not enough to reduce migration due to climate change. These results therefore point to economic policy implications. The two main recommendations are: 1) to improve the resilience of populations in the face of climate change in order to reduce population displacements caused by this phenomenon; 2) to strengthen the quality of institutions in African countries in order to limit population displacements caused mainly by corruption and political instability.


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