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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Instructional Principalship: A Shared Leadership for Learning Framework to Improve Administrative Academic Scholarship in Comprehensive Schools

DOI: 10.4236/ojl.2024.132012, PP. 195-216

Keywords: Shared Leadership, Distributed Leadership, Professional Development, Academic Enrichment, Social-Emotional Support, Research Based-Practices, Leadership for Learning & Essence of Education

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The School Principal desires to innovate the cultural setting, creating a more cohesive and collaborative community that initiates curriculum improvement decisions across shared school lead responsibilities. This essay encourages school administrators to broaden their instructional leadership capacity by establishing a shared leadership framework within their comprehensive school campuses. I investigated the impact of shared leadership practices on teacher collaboration, professional educational commitment, and comprehensive school performance in diverse school settings. The head principal promotes higher levels of staff enrichment practices through shared leadership, improving teaching morale and academic professionalism. Collective leadership drives professional stakeholder enrichment and increases students’ cognitive engagement. This literature review highlighted the need for foundational changes in administrative leadership duties related to higher visibility, academic guidance, and inclusiveness. The school administration established improved instructional development methods that benefitted from sharing specific leadership duties. Support for a collaborative and holistic school culture. I promote an additional research defense on the need for school administration to assume a greater role in supporting the academic and social-emotional well-being of both their teachers and student populations. Seeking additional research to question how school leaders promote change through the collective sharing of leadership that centers on ideologies to support a love of learning and pedagogy for the overall essence of educational purposes.


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