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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spatiotemporal Characteristics’ Statistical Analysis of Tropical Cyclones in Southern Indian Ocean

DOI: 10.12677/ams.2024.112010, PP. 100-110

Keywords: 南印度洋热带气旋,统计,年际、月际变化,源地
Southern Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone
, Statistical Analysis, Yearly or Monthly Variation, Source Region

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In this paper, spatiotemporal characteristics of tropical cyclone (TC) during the 33 years are statistically analyzed based on JTWC’s tropical cyclone best path data set in Southern Indian Ocean. The results represent that there are totally 549 TCs during the 33 years in Southern Indian Ocean, and averagely 16.64 TCs every year with 4.76 tropical storms as maximum grade (followed by typhoon tropical cyclone, super tropical cyclone, strong tropical storm and strong tropical cyclone) and tropical depression as the minimum grade. The trend of TC yearly frequency variation is generally invariant, and 10~22 TCs occur per year. Most of TC grades occur every year. Stronger TCs’ yearly frequency is increasing significantly in recent years. In the aspect of monthly frequency variation trend, most TCs occur from November to April, especially in February. Monthly frequency of stronger TC increases later in early autumn. There are three TC source regions in this paper: ocean area of northwest Australia, Cocos Islands, and Mauritius Island.


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