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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Penetrating into the Depth: Retrospective and Prospect of the Hundred-Year History of Guangdong’s Fisheries

DOI: 10.12677/isl.2024.82020, PP. 162-169

Keywords: 广东,渔业,研究综述
, Fisheries, Research Overview

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Research on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries in China has gone through three stages: the “founding period,” the “stagnant period,” and the “development period.” In the early stages, studies on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries were mostly included in the overall history of Chinese fisheries, lacking independence in their analysis. From the establishment of the People’s Republic of China until the reform and opening-up period, Guangdong had compiled a series of fisheries data compilations, but historical research lagged behind. After the reform and opening-up, research on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries entered a new phase. Historians replaced aquaculture workers as the main force in research on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries, resulting in a growing number of related publications. However, the academic depth of research on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries remains relatively shallow overall. In the future, efforts should focus on deepening research by delving into historical materials, expanding research perspectives, advocating for interdisciplinary research, and summarizing theoretical studies. This will help to further deepen the research on the history of Guangdong’s fisheries


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