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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Key Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff in the University

DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2024.123022, PP. 399-414

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Academic Staff, Mental Health, Academic Environment

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Job satisfaction (JS) undoubtedly impacts significantly on the productive capacity and general well-being of academic staff within universities. Poor JS affects not only individual performance but also broader institutional goals and may culminate in a decline in staff morale, disloyalty, constant labor migration and unending industrial actions by labor unions within the university. Enhancing job satisfaction can improve staff’s quality of service, staff retention, productivity, and the overall academic quality of the institutions. This study reviews factors associated with job satisfaction among academic staff in universities, and how these factors independently contribute to overall job satisfaction. This study draws on expert opinions and experiential knowledge, underpinned by an extensive review of scholarly literature, peer evaluations, and document analysis in the field of advanced career development. These methodologies were employed to deeply understand the key factors influencing job satisfaction within academic settings. By synthesizing insights and ideas from seasoned academic literature with empirical data, the aim to construct comprehensive thoughts and ideas for the identifications of the key factors and enhancing knowledge on job satisfaction at all levels beyond the university environment, thereby fostering better organizational outcomes was construed. Therefore, this paper in its quests to underpin knowledge recommends that Institutions of higher learning should ensure quality leadership and effective management practices aimed at addressing key factors for job satisfaction among university staff and create an equitable platform for all university staff irrespective of cadre and race. This paper lays out knowledge of the key factors that predict job satisfaction among university staff. Also setting the basis for further research.


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