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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Analysis of Social Survival Risks and Intervention Paths for Migrant Children in Mega-Cities—Based on a Macro-Systemic Perspective

DOI: 10.12677/ssem.2024.134048, PP. 386-393

Keywords: 流动儿童,社会性生存风险,宏观系统,超大城市
Migrant Children
, Social Survival Risks, Macro-System, Mega-Cities

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This paper, grounded in ecological systems theory, focuses on exploring the macro-systemic social survival risks faced by migrant children in mega-cities and proposes corresponding intervention paths. The study finds that the major macro-level social survival risks encountered by migrant children in mega-cities stem from two aspects. First, policy-level restrictions, manifested as heightened barriers to school enrollment and difficulties in pursuing education in a different location, directly affect migrant children’s access to educational opportunities and indirectly influence their families’ expectations and strategies regarding their education. Second, social perception gaps, including the prevalence of negative stereotypes towards migrant children and the exclusionary sentiments of local residents arising from perceived resource competition, hinder migrant children’s integration into the city and their physical and mental development. To address these issues, this paper proposes two macro-level intervention paths. First, at the policy level, the socioeconomic status of migrant children’s families should be elevated, and the allocation of educational resources should be balanced. Second, at the level of social perceptions, positive recognition of migrant children should be fostered by strengthening intergroup contact and communication, thereby establishing a more inclusive and harmonious urban atmosphere. This paper unveils the unique social risks faced by migrant children in mega-cities and emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing this issue from a macro-systemic perspective within the ecological framework.


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