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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Issue of Legitimacy of the Political Authority in Modern States

DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2024.143022, PP. 374-391

Keywords: Legitimacy, Space of Justice, Space of Political Authority, Philosophical and Political Anarchism, Human Rights, Criterion of Legitimacy

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The paper examines the problem of the legitimacy of the political authority and provides an adequate response towards the arguments of the political and philosophical anarchism. The proposed definition of legitimacy encourages all people to take part in the political authority and treats all citizens with equality and justice. It is based on the protection of human rights and on the notion of mutual respect of any different view about every aspect of social life in the political community. The solution would be particularly attractive, as it provides a definition of legitimacy which helps to guide a particular authority towards its goal to be legitimate.


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