Tourists’ catering experience directly affects the tourism competitiveness of the whole city, and its impact on tourism should not be underestimated. Tourists’ catering comments reflect tourists’ real feelings about the catering experience of their travel destinations, which has high research value. This paper makes an emotional analysis of tourists’ catering comments in Qinhuangdao, and explores the factors that affect tourists’ catering experience based on negative comments. Word2vec and BERT-wwm-ext pre-training language models are used as word embedding layers respectively, and the results of word vectorization are input into TextCNN, GRU and BiLSTM deep learning models for comparative analysis. The training results show that the accuracy of BERT-wwm-ext-BiLSTM model is 96.89%, and the effect of the model is better than other comparative models. Finally, the negative evaluation of the classification results of this model is analyzed, and it is determined that the negative evaluation mainly involves five aspects: service, price, environment, dishes and taste. Relevant departments should make timely rectification to improve the catering experience of tourists and enhance the core competitiveness of Qinhuangdao tourism.
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