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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Dietary Diversity and Food Security Status among Cameroonian Adults Living in Semi-Urban Areas: A Cross-Sectional Study

DOI: 10.4236/fns.2024.157036, PP. 548-564

Keywords: Dietary Diversity, Individual Food Security, Littoral, West, North West, Cameroon

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Introduction: Food security is one of the greatest challenges that most African countries face. It is a concept that considers not only food quantity but also food quality. The objective of this study was to describe dietary diversity and food security status at the individual level in Cameroonian populations. Methods: A total of 1180 men and women aged 20 and over and living in the West, North West, and Littoral regions of Cameroon were recruited. Data on dietary habits were collected through the frequency of consumption of various food groups. Dietary diversity was assessed using a 24-hour dietary recall. Food security status was determined by combining two indicators (food consumption score and individual food diversity score). Results: The mean dietary diversity score of the population was 3.53 ± 1.44, p < 0.05. The frequencies of high dietary diversity (39.3%) were significantly higher in individuals living in the Littoral region compared to the other two regions. Regarding dietary habits, high consumption of energy-rich foods (cereals (80.5%), tubers (61.1%), and oils & fats (79.0%)) was observed in the general population with a preponderance in the populations living in the Littoral region. In general, 55.6% and 53.9% of participants had a low consumption of vegetables and fruits, respectively. This low consumption was more pronounced among participants in the North West (61.6%) for fruits while it was more important among individuals in the West (68.4%) for vegetables. The prevalence of food security was higher among populations in the Littoral region compared to the other two regions (81.1%, p < 0.05). Male sex, education level, and high socio-economic level were independent predictors of food security in those participants. Conclusion: The diet diversity of adults living in the West, North West, and Littoral regions of Cameroon is medium. Although half of the study population was food secure, there is a need to implement food security policies further to reduce food insecurity among the Cameroonian population.


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