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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Hand Cooling Enhances the Proprioceptive Drift during Rubber Hand Illusion

DOI: 10.4236/jbbs.2024.147013, PP. 210-226

Keywords: Hand Temperature, Cooling, Rubber Hand Illusion, Ownership, Proprioceptive Drift

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Background: The neural representation of the body is easily altered by integrating multiple sensory signals in the brain. The “Rubber Hand Illusion” (RHI) is one of the most popular experimental paradigms to investigate this phenomenon. During this illusion, ownership of a rubber hand is temporarily induced. It was shown that external and continuous cooling of the palm enhanced the RHI, suggesting an association between altered the autonomic nervous system regulation and altered the sense of ownership of a specific limb. Purpose: To investigate whether artificially cooling the entire hand for a short period affects the magnitude of the illusion. Methods: Participants immersed their entire hand in cool, cold, or warm water for 1 min before the RHI procedure. Results: We found that cooling the entire hand enhanced the proprioceptive drift during the RHI but not the subjective feeling of ownership. In contrast, warming and intense cooling of the entire hand did not affect the RHI strength. Conclusion: Our results suggest that transient and moderate cooling of the entire hand was sufficient in enhancing the illusory disembodiment of one’s own hand.


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