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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on the Impact of Cross-Border Data Flow Restrictions on the Participation of Service in Global Value Chains

DOI: 10.12677/bglo.2024.123011, PP. 93-109

Keywords: 跨境数据流动,全球价值链,数字投入,贸易成本,服务业
Cross-Border Data Flow
, Global Value Chains, Digital Input, Trade Costs, Service

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Under the background of the digitalization of the global economy, the trend of global value chain dominated by services has become increasingly prominent, and the restrictive measures of data flow have increasingly become one of the most important institutional variables affecting the development of service trade. Based on ADB, UIBE, TAPED and OECD databases, this paper studies the mechanism and effect of cross-border data flow restrictions on global value chain participation of 18 service industries in 48 countries from 2014 to 2021. It is found that the increase of cross-border data flow restrictions will significantly inhibit the increase of service industry participation in the global value chain by increasing the cost of service trade, and is regulated by Internet penetration and value chain length. Further heterogeneity analysis of economies with different levels of development, producer and consumer services, and participation in trade agreements shows that cross-border data flow restrictions have a more significant inhibitory effect on participation in GVC of service industries, consumer services and Chinese model GVC participation, which are to some extent affected by the depth of cross-border data flow rules. The robustness test is also carried out by means of instrumental variable, alternative variable method and shortening research interval. The above research conclusions provide a certain theoretical basis and factual basis for promoting China’s active participation in global digital governance and rule-making, improving the quality and efficiency of the service industry, promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the service industry, and enhancing the global value chain of the service industry, which has important practical significance.


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