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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Dilemma and Solution of Protecting Regional Brands under the New Development Patterns—Taking “Yangjiang Hardware, Knives and Scissors” Regional Brand as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/bglo.2024.123012, PP. 110-116

Keywords: 新发展格局,地理标志,区域品牌,阳江五金刀剪,困境与方法
New Development Pattern
, Geographical Indications, Regional Branding, Yangjiang Hardware, Knives and Scissors, Dilemma and Solution

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In the process of modernization, the construction of a new development pattern should be all-encompassing. As one of the important measures to promote rural revitalization and agglomeration development, regional branding has encountered many problems in its implementation. This paper takes “Yangjiang Hardware, Knives and Scissors” as an example of the regional brand, explores the relationship between the regional brand and geographical indications, etc., and explains the inevitability, necessity and feasibility of the protection of regional brand, which is willing to help China’s regional brand to flourish, and promote the intellectual property rights to solve the actual new and difficult problems in multiple fields and wide ranges.


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