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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Intertextuality in Le Clézio’s Novels: Modal and Illocutionary Analysis

DOI: 10.4236/als.2024.123020, PP. 251-262

Keywords: Intertextuality, Illocutionary Value, Directive, Novel, Le Clézio

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This article analyzes the manifestations of intertextuality and its pragmatic implications in some novels by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. It answers in particular the following questions: what illocutionary logics underlie the use of intertextual resources in Le Clézio’s novels? More specifically, how is intertextuality expressed in Le Clézio’s novels? What major illocutionary forces conceal these intertexts? What semantic content do they present? From the analysis, it appears that the intertextual manifestations are multiple and multiform, that they come from various horizons, from various literary cultures, ranging from Europe to Africa via Asia. At the pragmatic level, the analysis reveals that the identified intertextual resonances have essentially directive or prescriptive illocutionary values. Several previous literary texts thus contribute to shaping the romantic framework of the works studied. These intertexts address contemporary cultural and social issues including Africanisms and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict among others. To achieve these results, comparative and pragmatic approaches were favored.


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