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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Impact of Perceived Firm Disadvantage on Consumer Purchase Intention

DOI: 10.12677/mom.2024.143006, PP. 47-57

Keywords: 劣势者效应,自我投射,购买意愿,品牌建设
Underdog Effect
, Self-Projection, Willingness to Buy, Branding

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Consumers have been known to favour headline companies and strong brands in their purchasing decisions. Recent events have shown that socially responsible companies that are at a competitive disadvantage are more likely to gain consumer support for their purchases. However, few scholars have studied this issue in existing research. Therefore, this paper takes the phenomenon of competitively disadvantaged but socially responsible enterprises are more likely to obtain consumers’ purchase support as the entry point, and takes the underdog effect as the starting point to explore the mechanism of the influence of the perception of corporate disadvantage on consumers’ purchase intention, and finds that the perception of corporate disadvantage positively affects consumers’ purchase intention, with self-projection playing a mediator role, and that corporate social responsibility positively regulates this effect. The mechanism of the effect of perceived corporate disadvantage on consumers’ purchase intention suggests that firms with a strong sense of social responsibility but in a disadvantaged position can win consumers’ purchase support through the underdog effect. As a result, disadvantaged companies should not be complacent, but should maintain a positive attitude, establish a positive and firm brand image and effectively communicate it to consumers, and actively undertake social responsibility to reverse the disadvantageous situation.


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