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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress in Background Analysis and Traceability of Natural Benzoic Acid and Propionic Acid in Food

DOI: 10.12677/aac.2024.143017, PP. 141-147

Keywords: 食品,苯甲酸,丙酸,本底分析,溯源
, Benzoic Acid, Propionic Acid, Background Analysis, Traceability

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Besides being artificially added, benzoic acid and propionic acid in food are also naturally present in some foods. However, there is currently limited background analysis and traceability research on natural benzoic acid and propionic acid in food. This article focuses on the content analysis and formation mechanism of natural benzoic acid and propionic acid in food. Natural benzoic acid exists in foods such as red dates, and its formation mechanism mainly includes phenylalanine metabolism pathway, hippuric acid hydrolysis pathway, and benzaldehyde oxidation pathway. Natural propionic acid exists in foods such as fermented milk, and the formation mechanism is mainly the formation of propionic acid ketone. With the deepening of research on natural benzoic acid and propionic acid in food, which will help to comprehensively judge food safety more scientifically and effectively, and facilitate more efficient and accurate food supervision.


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