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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Analysis of the Causes of Money Shortage in North China in the 13th Century

DOI: 10.12677/ojhs.2024.123033, PP. 211-216

Keywords: 十三世纪,银荒,金银外流
13th Century
, Silver Famine, Gold and Silver Outflow

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The shortage of metallic money in North China in the 13th century had a significant impact on the development of currency in the Yuan Dynasty. Its occurrence was closely related to the outbreak of the Mongolian-Jin War, the inclusion of silver in the tax field, and the outflow of gold and silver in West Asian trade. This phenomenon was a manifestation of the transition from base metal currency to precious metal currency during the Jin-Yuan period, influenced by comprehensive factors such as the deepening of China’s commercial trade with the outside world. The currency shortage in North China was one of the important factors leading to the issuance of Zhongtong banknotes by the Kublai Khan regime.


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