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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Development of Maoming Marine Ranch

DOI: 10.12677/ije.2024.133044, PP. 341-346

Keywords: 海洋牧场,水产养殖,海洋污染
Marine Ranch
, Aquaculture, Marine Pollution

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Marine ranch is an artificial fishery based on the principle of marine ecology, which is formed in a certain sea area by using modern engineering technology, making full use of natural productivity, scientifically maintaining and managing biological resources, and establishing a healthy ecosystem. In view of the current situation of Maoming marine ranch, although the construction of marine ranch in Maoming City has achieved certain results, there are still some problems, such as the restriction of sea use, the imperfect intelligent equipment and land supporting facilities of deep-sea marine ranch, and the problem of marine pollution in Maoming. In response to the problems, corresponding solutions are proposed. While strengthening the supervision of the later operation of marine ranch, we should do a good job in top-level design and reasonable layout, and provide good supporting services, so that the construction of marine ranch and ecological protection can be promoted simultaneously, and the healthy and sustainable development of marine ranch can be promoted.


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