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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Modern Significance of DiseaseNarratives in Lu Xun’s Novels—Taking Call to Arms and Wangdering as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/wls.2024.123030, PP. 197-203

Keywords: 鲁迅,疾病叙事,现代意义
Lu Xun
, Illness Narratives, Modern Significance

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Disease has always been an enduring topic in literary creation, and narratives about disease reveal different meanings in different writers. Lu Xun’s series of novels written after the May Fourth Movement portrayed a group of sick people who were either physically crippled or mentally ill. In the context of the first two decades of the 20th century, being spiritually civilized and physically fit became the common pursuit of many intellectuals in the May Fourth period. Therefore, from this perspective, analyzing Lu Xun’s literary illness narratives and digging into his ideal view of the nation not only helps to further understand Lu Xun’s depth of thought and literary attainments, but also has practical significance in enlightening the present-day Chinese to sound and perfect their self-personality.


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