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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Foreign Elements in the Towers of the Qiuci Caves Mural Paintings of the Han and Tang Dynasties

DOI: 10.12677/arl.2024.133034, PP. 227-236

Keywords: 龟兹石窟,塔,建筑形制,外来元素
The Grottoes of Guzi
, Pagoda, Architectural Form, Exotic Elements

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During the Han and Tang dynasties, the Western Region was located at the crossroads of the spread of Chinese and Western cultures, and Buddhism developed rapidly during this period, which had a profound impact on the tower form in the Western Region. The article analyses the structure of the tower base, tower body and mantle top of the fresco towers in the Guzi area, and discusses the influence of foreign elements in the image of the fresco towers in Guzi during the Han and Tang dynasties on the murals of the local grottoes. The exchanges between Chinese and Western cultures in the western region have resulted in the formation of mural pagodas with local characteristics, reflecting the diversified and integrated culture of the western region of the Han and Tang dynasties.


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