The management of talented employees has been a hot topic for decades as Multinational corporations (MNCs) around the globe struggle to put together an integrated recipe and a clear image of talent management (TM) strategic approaches that retain talented people in their organisations. The prevalence of talent management within MNCs and among strategic decision-makers has made it increasingly important to understand the nature and scope of talent management activities and initiatives in the Saudi Arabian oil and gas (O & G) industry. An integrative literature review is conducted in this review paper to help understand and analyse perspectives and definitions related to talent management activities. The TM literature has been analysed, and a comprehensive report on talent management is suggested as a part of this paper. Moreover, some major themes within TM literature have been identified: understanding talent management strategies, internal approach used, external focus, and TM challenges faced by MNCs. The findings underscore the importance of addressing talent development and retention challenges, such as the need for more robust training and development opportunities and performance appraisal systems. If unaddressed, these challenges can significantly hinder an organisation’s ability to cultivate a workforce that meets the industry’s evolving demands. Based on our findings, some literature gaps are presented. Strategic researchers and practitioners will be allowed to discuss practical TM actions they can take to address any challenges and obstacles by using manageable steps and finding a meaningful solution.
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