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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Scientific and Literary Rivalries in Al-Andalus

DOI: 10.4236/ahs.2024.133008, PP. 157-176

Keywords: Antagonism, Competition, Literary Forums, Criticism

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This research addresses the issue of scientific and literary dispute among scientists themselves, and between students and scientists in Al-Andalus. It includes an introduction, two main sections, and a conclusion. The introduction is dedicated to the phenomenon of competition and dispute among scientists on one hand, and between scientists and students on the other, based on the references in literature and history books, which revealed the state of competition among them and its impact on the scientific and cultural movement. The first section discusses the competition between the Andalusians and the Easterners, while the second section deals with the competition among the Andalusians themselves. In conducting this research, the methodology followed was the inductive analytical approach.


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