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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Environmental Assessment by Vulnerability Analysis of Water Intended for Human Consumption in Urban Environments: A Case Study of the N’djili River, Kinshasa

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1112294, PP. 1-22

Keywords: Contamination, Protection Perimeters, Water Security Plan, WIHC, NPK

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Background: The Water Distribution Administration of the Democratic Republic of Congo (REGIDESO) faces many challenges, particularly related to unregulated human activities on all watercourses used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption in general and in particular around the watershed of the N’djili River, a river that feeds the largest water treatment plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Aim: This contribution is based on the assessment of the vulnerability of the N’djili River to human activities around it in order to propose recommendations for a water safety health plan. Methods: An environmental study was conducted to identify the sources of pollution and their proximity to surface and groundwater. An analysis of water vulnerability was then carried out, followed by monitoring of this area using geographic information system and remote sensing tools. Results: During the environmental survey, we identified several sources of water contamination, mainly chemicals used in agricultural areas to increase the profitability of market gardening, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and fecal matter. The calculation of the water protection perimeters of the N’djili River and the boreholes observed in the study area shows a noncompliance with these perimeters. It was found that the immediate protection perimeter is occupied by activities likely to pollute the water; This is the case of the close protection perimeter where domestic and industrial activities; Agricultural activities; Commercial activities and road transport are the major sources of contamination. Water quality monitoring by NDWI and NDCI shows an average rate of dissolved solids in a high humidity area. Conclusion: To combat these problems, the DRC government, through the Ministries of Water Resources, Public Health, Environment and Urban Planning, must put in place a solid water safety plan, which will combat several consequences that these problems have for the health of the population.


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