Study of the Efficiency of Vertical Drains by an FEM Method in Soil Treatment for Road Projects: Case of the Development and Bitumination Works of the ROCADE Porto-Novo in Benin
This article aims to study the efficiency of coupled vertical drains for the treatment of long-lasting compressible clay soils for the road project platform of the ring road of Porto Novo, capital of Benin. The experimental data allowed us to estimate a consolidation of 29% in 9 months, justifying the drainage of the soil. In order to study the efficiency of drainage, a FEM model was proposed simulating different scenarios. These include a drainless road, pavements equipped with vertical drains with meshes of 0.5 m 0.5 m, 1 m 1 m and 1.5 m 1.5 m respectively and horizontal drains. The results expressed in terms of variations in vertical stresses, effective stresses and shear deformations revealed significant variations in pavement performance depending on the mesh size of the vertical drains. The configuration with a mesh of 0.5 m 0.5 m showed the least deformations, thus indicating a reduction in deformations and better stress distribution. However, the other mesh configurations showed variable results, underlining the importance of choosing the right mesh for the specific project conditions.
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