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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Application of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Precision Agriculture of Coffee Cultivation, in the Kabiri Area, ícolo e Bengo Township, Luanda, Angola

DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2024.159040, PP. 720-736

Keywords: Electrical-Resistivity Method, Precision Agriculture, Coffee

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The electrical resistivity method is a geophysical tool used to characterize the subsoil and can provide an important information for precision agriculture. The lack of knowledge about agronomic properties of the soil tends to affect the agricultural coffee production system. Therefore, research related to geoelectrical properties of soil such as resistivity for characterization the region of the study for coffee cultivation purposes can improve and optimize the production. This resistivity method allows to investigate the subsurface through different techniques: 1D vertical electrical sounding and electrical imaging. The acquisition of data using these techniques permitted the creation of 2D resistivity cross section from the study area. The geoelectrical data was acquired by using a resistivity meter equipment and was processed in different softwares. The results of the geoelectrical characterization from 1D resistivity model and 2D resistivity electrical sections show that in the study area of Kabiri, there are 8 varieties of geoelectrical layers with different resistivity or conductivity. Near survey in the study area, the lowest resistivity is around 0.322 ?·m, while the highest is about 92.1 ?·m. These values illustrated where is possible to plant coffee for suggestion of specific fertilization plan for some area to improve the cultivation.


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