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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Environmental Cost Accounting and Return on Assets of Manufacturing Firms in Douala

DOI: 10.4236/ojacct.2024.134009, PP. 125-143

Keywords: Environmental Cost Accounting, Pollution Prevention Costs, Return on Assets, Douala Industrial Zone

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The UN Sustainable Development Goal 12—“Responsible consumption and production” targets efficient use of resources and the lessening of waste and pollution. Organisations strive to measure and manage their impact on the environment in addition to identifying openings for resource efficiency and waste reduction. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of Environmental Cost Accounting on the return on assets of manufacturing firms in the Douala Industrial Zone. Data was collected through a descriptive survey and a questionnaire using a sample size of 128. The study adopted a descriptive statistic and ordered logit model to do the data analysis. The results showed a positive relationship between employee health and safety compliance cost, and pollution prevention cost. It therefore recommended the application of environmental prevention policies, in order to reduce resource spending on restoration and environmentally friendly product production.


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