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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Brief Discussion on the Characteristics and Connotation of Festival Diet of Residents in the Northern Song Capital City

DOI: 10.12677/ojhs.2024.124039, PP. 251-257

Keywords: 北宋,东京居民,节日饮食
Northern Song Dynasty
, Capital Residents, Festival Cuisine

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During the Northern Song Dynasty, Chinese festival customs flourished and developed, and festival cuisine, as a unique part of festival life, also had its own characteristics. The residents of the capital city, as the main participants in the national capital city festival life, also have a rich and colorful festival diet. Studying the festival cuisine of the residents in the capital city is of great significance for us to understand the festival life and cultural connotations of the people in the capital city during the Northern Song Dynasty.


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