Background: Self-monitoring is important for recognizing the situations one is facing and assessing one’s own competence to respond appropriately to situations that require multitasking. Purpose: This study aimed to examine the surface and content validity of the Advanced Beginner Nurses’ Self-Monitoring Scale While Multitasking and refine the scale items accordingly. It is expected that the development of such scale will allow for reflection on advanced beginner nurses’ response to multitasking, leading to further capacity building. Methods: The surface validity of 96 items of the Advanced Beginner Nurses’ Self-Monitoring Scale While Multitasking was examined at a meeting with five expert researchers. Five researchers and five nurses examined the items’ content using an item-level content validity index through a questionnaire survey. Results and Conclusion: The Advanced Beginner Nurses’ Self-Monitoring Scale While Multitasking was organized into 73 items that were refined into scales with surface and content validity. Consequently, five sub-concepts were identified: recognizing the situation one’s facing, seeing one’s self from multiple perspectives, devising concrete strategies depending on the situation, considering a predictable time schedule, and being aware of the situation surrounding one’s self. In the future, it will be necessary to examine the reliability and validity of the scale.
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