Background: Adolescent’s perception of nurse care imparted in the hemodialysis unit and the needs that they do not always express are an important starting point to optimize attention and care given by nurse professional; the goal is to reach the holistic focus characteristic of the discipline, and then generate scientific evidence that will help other health professionals, regarding given attention to patients in this step of their lives suffering chronic renal damage subjected to hemodialysis. Objective: To analyze the perception of adolescents with chronic kidney disease about nurse care in a hemodialysis unit. Methods: Qualitative and phenomenological study under the philosophic scope of Merleau Ponty, with a descriptive design; the information collection was through semi-structured interviews, field notes, and participants’ observation from three adolescents’ informers subjected to renal substitution by hemodialysis three times per week, in a high specialty medical unit in Mexico City. Selection of informers was by convenience and their previous authorization was requested by signed informed consent. The analysis of qualitative data was according to Rodríguez et al. Results: Four categories with seven subcategories emerged: Category 1, Adolescent’s perception regarding nursing care on hemodialysis; Category 2, Care during hemodialysis process; Category 3, The world of hemodialysis; Category 4, Corporeity from adolescent’s look. Conclusion: Nursing care to adolescents during hemodialysis must be accompanied by comprehension, communication, and knowledge of patients, regarding their needs perceived to know the way they live their chronic kidney illness, through their body, their world and the way they see themselves. The main characteristics of nurse care are communication and constant interaction with nurse-adolescent, this openness to an unknown world for them is seen as a pleasant interaction, perceived as necessary and it helps them to feel good in their hemodialysis treatment.
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