The Applicability and Productiveness of a Systematic Literature Review Methodology in Volcanology Research: Case of the Magma Pathway at the Mount Cameroon Volcano
The presented research illustrates the applicability and productiveness of the systematic literature review methodology, a non-empirical methodology in the geological sciences, particularly volcanology. The systematic literature review methodology is a replicable, rigorous, and transparent methodology for synthesizing existing literature to answer questions on a specific topic. The synthesis allows for knowledge consolidation, such as identifying knowledge gaps. In our illustration of this methodology, we focused on the expanding knowledge about the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon, one of Africa’s active volcanoes. Our synthesis of the relevant international geoscience research literature is based on the framework of knowledge about the magma pathway beneath a typical basaltic volcano. The framework has three primary components: magma supply, storage, and transport to erupting vents. Across these components is a total of twelve secondary components. The result is a previously non-existent and fragmented overall understanding of the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon. The gaps in the understanding (such as in the magma supply rates, timescales of chamber processes, and magma ascent rates) may be addressed in future research. Another key implication of the presented research lies in the proof of concept of the systematic literature review methodology as an applicable qualitative research methodology in the study of volcanoes.
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