Neurocirugía 2011
Quistes intraneurales del nervio ciático poplíteo externo en edad pediátrica: presentación de 2 casos y revisión de la literaturaDOI: 10.4321/S1130-14732011000400003 Keywords: intraneural cysts, intraneural ganglion, peroneal nerve, steppage, peripheral nerve tumor. Abstract: intraneural cysts are benign lesions filled with mucinous content and located inside the epineurum of the peripheral nerves. peroneal nerve is the most affected nerve. the entity is rare and its ethiopathology still remains to be definitely elucidated. in 2003 spinner et al published their articular theory, implicated in the formation and frequent recurrence of these lesions after surgical treatment. the practical application of this theory, nowadays almost universally accepted, generated an important diminution in the recurrence rate after surgical evacuation of this lesions, previously very elevated. most of the cases of this entity are described in adults. in the present paper we describe two pediatric cases and analyze the clinical aspects of these cysts in pediatric and adults patients. peroneal intraneural cysts are one of the differential diagnoses in foot drop, and an adequate treatment concludes in a complete remission of the symptoms.