A estratégia de internacionaliza??o da Natura: análise pela óptica da vantagem competitivaKeywords: competitive strategy, competitive advantage, fields and weapons of the competition, cosmetics, natura. Abstract: natura is a leader in the brazilian cosmetics market and the owner of one of the most valuable brands, which demonstrates the correctness of its strategies. the same cannot be said about their internationalization strategy - although it started the internationalization process in 1982, it was only in 2008 that revenues from these transactions exceeded 5% of total revenues. f or example, in chile, its share in the door to door cosmetics market is just 2.6%. the discrepancy between the results of its strategy in the brazilian market and the internationalization strategy prompted this research on natura?s competitive advantages in brazil and abroad. as it has taxonomy of competitive advantages, the fields and weapons of the competition model was used in the study. in brazil, natura initially had a competitive advantage in terms of product - now, in terms of image - whereas abroad it has none. it is suggested that, abroad, it should focus the competition on the image, in three fields.