Biosalud 2011
CARACTERIZACIóN NEUROPSICOLóGICA DE UNA MUESTRA DE NI?OS Y NI?AS CON TDAH DE LA CIUDAD DE MANIZALESKeywords: neuropsychological performance, attention, memory, language, executive functions, intellectual capacity, attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder (adhd). Abstract: introduction. the present investigation describes the neuropsychological performance of a sample of school children between 6 and 14 years old diagnosed with ttention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and compares the results with the neuropsychological performance of a control group. objective. to compare the neuropsychological performance characteristics of a sample of children diagnosed with adhd-c and adhd-i and a control group in the city of manizales. materials and methods. this article originated from a cross section non-experimental research. a variance analysis was made using the following treatments: adhd combined (adhd-c) and control group, adhd inattentive (adhd-i) and control group, the neuropsychological variables were the response variables, and each of the affected children was paired with a control child. results. differences in a continuous performance task (cancellation of drawings) were established between the two subtypes of adhd (p<0.001), having the adhd-c, group lesser measure than the adhd-i (p<0.001) subtype. similarly, statistically significant differences at the language level in relation to metalinguistic skills was found, specifically in the task of counting sounds (p<0.001) between the mean estimate in group adhd-i and the control group (p<0.001). conclusions. the findings of this study confirm the presence of some differences in neuropsychological performance among children with adhd and control groups. also, it highlights the need for further progress in the use of the neuropsychological assessment battery (ipd) in research exercises with clinical populations to verify the validity and performance of the test in the evaluation of children with adhd and in that of other clinical groups of interest.