Análise do arco longitudinal medial em adolescentes usuárias de cal?ados de salto altoDOI: 10.1590/S1809-29502012000100005 Keywords: adolescent, foot, posture, anthropometry, assessment. Abstract: the aim of this study was to analyze the influence of high heeled shoes in foot′s medial longitudinal arch in adolescents. eighty two female adolescents between 13 and 20 years old participated, being 54 non-users of high heleed shoes (control group - gc) and 28 usuaries (experimental group - ge). the footprints of both feet were collected to analyse the medial longitudinal arch (alm), before and after 30 minutes using a shoe with heel high given by the examiner, an then evaluated by chippaux-smirak index (ics) and cavanagh & rodgers arch index (icr). the shapiro-wilks test was performed to evaluate data normality. for paired comparisons, paired student's t-test was used in case of parametric data, and the wilcoxon test in non-parametric data. in non-paired comparisons was used the student's t-test and the mann-whitney test with a level of significance of 0.05. there was a difference between right and left only in cg before the use of the shoe given by the examiner. comparing before and after the use of this shoe, a difference was noticed only on left foot in cg by ics. there wasn't any significative difference between cg and eg. although the results haven′t shown changes in alm, it must be remembered this is only a static measure, being necessary studies of the dinamic component and the chronic use of high heeled shoes to correlate with the findings of this work.