Gaceta Sanitaria 2012
Prevalencia y riesgo anual de infección por tuberculosis en la población escolar de 7 a?os de edad de CeutaDOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.07.017 Keywords: tuberculosis, prevalence, annual risk of infection. Abstract: objective: to determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection and annual risk of infection in the school population of ceuta. method: a cross-sectional study was conducted. a tuberculin test (2ut rt-23 tween 80) was given to 7-year-old schoolchildren in ceuta in 2008. a positive result was considered as an induration of >5mm at 72hours in unvaccinated children. results: a total of 612 children were studied. the prevalence of tuberculosis infection was 0.98% (95% confidence interval with a 2.5% margin of error). the distribution showed differences among three health areas, and was greatest in the most deprived area (2.07%). the annual risk of infection was 0.15%. conclusions according to the most recent studies, the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in ceuta is one of the highest of spain. our results do not agree with the epidemiological data for tuberculosis in ceuta, which also includes imported cases.