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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Arquitectura foliar de las Lauraceae del Distrito Federal, Brasil, y nuevos patrones de venación propuestos

DOI: 10.4067/S0717-66432011000100001

Keywords: leaf architecture, f morphology, leaf venation.

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leaves of 18 species of lauraceae that grow in the distrito federal (brazil) were studied with the goal of characterizing their venation patterns and to identify useful traits in taxonomic differentiation, so that along with their morphology can be achieved concise criteria that help in vegetative identification. the leaves were cleared, stained and photographed. venation patterns of second, third, fourth and fifth order were described and illustrated for the studied species, which showed brochidodromous or eucamptodromous-brochidodromous secondary venation pattern, except cryptocarya aschersoniana and ocotea aciphylla that presented brochidodromous prominulous-reticulate venation. areole density was found to be a good taxonomic character, which did not happen with the number of sides that they have. the concepts of the venule nodes and branches and the criteria for the classification of its branches were proposed. most species have branched venules. the analyzed characters together with the morphological ones, such as margin shape and presence or absence of domatia, allowed the differentiation of the studied species, demonstrating the clear importance of leaf architecture in the taxonomic recognition of specimens in a vegetative state.


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