Revisión de la toxicocinética y la toxicodinamia del ácido cianhídrico y los cianurosKeywords: cyanide, toxicokinetic, toxicodynamic. Abstract: cyanide is one of the most dangerous poisons because of its rapid and potent toxicity, most times with lethal outcomes. different poisoning treatments are based on knowledge of cyanide's toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic. the review of cyanide's toxicokinetics shows that, although thiosulfate-cyanide sulfotransferase (rhodanese) is the major metabolic pathway, binding serum albumin would be the first process of detoxification of cyanide in normal metabolism. the protective effect of cyanohydrin formers in cases of poisoning remains experimentally evaluated. cyanide's binding affinity to the binuclear center heme a3-cub of cytochrome oxidase within their different redox states and cyanide's mechanism of inhibition of antioxidant enzymes are currently still being investigated. more and better understanding of cyanide's detoxification pathways and/or mechanisms of toxic action could lead to the development of new potential antidotes.