OS PROCESSOS DE AGLOMERA??O NA COL?MBIA à LUZ DA NOVA GEOGRAFIA ECON?MICAKeywords: new economic geography, spatial structure of wages, colombia, market potential, agglomerations. Abstract: since its emergence in the early nineties, with the work of krugman, venables, fujita and other authors, the "new economic geography" has opened many fronts of theoretical research to show how the combination of increasing returns to scale, market imperfections and transport costs create a number of "centripetal" and "centrifugal" forces that, together with factor endowments, determine the distribution of economic activities in space. in this research, using data for colombian municipalities are estimated structural parameters of the model developed by helpman (1995) and hanson (1998), which has become the best alternative to contrast empirically the "new economic geography". the results confirm the existence of a spatial structure of wages in colombia, as well as a strengthening of the processes of agglomeration around the major cities, especially around bogotá.