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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A new species of Oukuriella Epler, 1986 (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae) from S?o Paulo State , Brazil

DOI: 10.1590/S0328-03812005000200012

Keywords: regi?o neotropical, brazil, chironomidae, chironomini, oukuriella.

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the immature and adult stages of a new species of the genus oukuriella epler, 1986 from the southeast of brazil are described. the larvae, reared in laboratory to obtain adults, were obtained from submerged wood collected in a reservoir situated in the jataí ecological station (luiz ant?nio, sp). according to messias et al. (2000) the genus is composed of three species group. the adults of this new species congregate morphological characteristics of the oukuriella - second group, which is characterised by wings without markings, abdominal tergites with setal tufts and gonostylus broad, 1,5x longer than gonocoxite, but is distinguished by different thoracic and abdominal pigmentation. this is the first description of female for the oukuriella second group. the immature forms aggregate the same characteristics of o. intermedia, the one species whose pupae and larvae are known. the strongly hardly mental and mandibular teeth sees to indicate the ability to scrape and to shred firm surface as submerged wood, substrate where were collected.


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