La corrupción y el control de la corrupción como impedimentos para la competitividad económicaKeywords: corruption, economic competitiveness, public integrity networks. Abstract: the well-documented argument that stringent corruption control can reduce both public agency performance and public competitiveness has lead to the notion that "some" corruption must be tolerated in the interests of economic development and government performance. while the argument is sustainable, the notion regarding tolerable levels of corruption is a misapprehension. how, then, should the protection of public integrity be approached so that public and private interests are not sacrificed?this discussion considers, first, the costs of what may be considered "useful" or "necessary" corruption; second, the costs of stringent corruption control; third, the particular syndrome of corruption confronted by mexico and its implication for integrity policy and; fourth, the way that integrity networks may reduce costs to competitiveness of corruption and also avoid costs of excessive corruption control.