Estudios atacame?os 2011
Ofrendas atacame?as en la Colección de Monse?or Campagner (Treviso, Italia)DOI: 10.4067/S0718-10432011000100004 Keywords: angelo campagner, gustavo le paige, snuffing paraphernalia, iconography, archaeological collection, atacama, tiwanaku. Abstract: this article describe 16 objects of the 72 items from san pedro de atacama (chile) in the campagner collection. each object was carved out of a single wood piece and with them the atacame?os officiated shamanic rituals. here, we also discuss the ideology which might be at the basis of the atacama political-religious power, by showing how some of the campagner's items support the archaeological suggestion that the initial incaic could be related to tiwanaku.